ClickCease Linux Tips & Patch Management Archives - TuxCare

Patch vs Vulnerability Management: What...

Two terms frequently trip up even seasoned data security professionals: patch management and vulnerability management. But while both are undeniably crucial for keeping your digital systems secure—and share similarities—they play...

Federal Support for Open-Source...

In an unexpected move, the U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has announced an initiative aimed at bolstering the security posture of open-source software developers. This initiative, as reported...

Understanding Linux Kernel Security for...

Linux kernel embodies a strong security design including least privilege, memory protection, user isolation, and frameworks for adding stricter access controls. Best practices for securing embedded Linux systems involve using...

Linux Firewalls: Enhancing Security with...

For modern organizations, safeguarding your system against cyber threats is paramount. Linux, renowned for its robust security features, offers a plethora of firewall solutions to fortify your defenses. We’ll delve...

Implementing Risk Compliance and Management...

Regular security audits and up-to-date patch management are essential for Linux compliance. User access control and robust network security are critical to safeguard Linux systems. Adapting compliance frameworks like ISO...

Demystifying SELinux: Understanding Mandatory Access...

In the realm of Linux security, one name stands out for its robustness and effectiveness: Security-Enhanced Linux. This powerful security mechanism, integrated into the Linux kernel, offers a sophisticated approach...

What is Advanced Threat Protection...

As businesses accelerate their digital initiatives, the shadow of cybersecurity threats grows. Every advancement brings new challenges—is your Google account hacked? Are covert malware campaigns targeting your infrastructure? Amidst extensive...

iptables vs nftables in Linux:...

nftables provides a simpler, more efficient alternative to iptables, with unified IPv4/IPv6 handling. Features like rule tracing and multi-action rules in nftables enhance network management. Transitioning to nftables offers better...

0-days, n-days, too many...

A software vendor, a threat actor, and a bug bounty hunter walk into a bar. The bug bounty hunter goes “have you guys heard about this new bug I just...

Navigating the Complexities of Linux...

Linux Security Is Multifaceted: Effective Linux security encompasses user management, network design, and consistent system updates to safeguard against threats. User Management Is Crucial: Properly managing user accounts and permissions...


In recent years, the adoption of open-source software in development has surged, now comprising up to 90% of what’s built. Its popularity among companies globally stems from cost savings and...

Leveraging Automation for Risk Compliance...

Organizations often encounter the challenge of managing complex technology ecosystems while ensuring data security, compliance, and risk management. One crucial aspect of this challenge is risk compliance in IT environments,...




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