Are Online Password Generators Really Evil? A Balanced Look at Cybersecurity Risks
The cybersecurity world is no stranger to heated debates, and one such exchange on Twitter recently caught our attention. It was claimed that online password generators are inherently evil, insecure, and if you used one it would “be really bad”™. While this take may be sensational, it’s worth unpacking the arguments and examining whether the risks are as severe as claimed.
The Risks of Online Password Generators
It’s true that there are inherent risks with using online password generators:
- Malicious Operators: A rogue operator could store generated passwords, potentially using them to breach accounts later.
- Reproducible Patterns: Some generators may use predictable algorithms, reducing the randomness of their output.
But does this make all online password generators a no-go? Not necessarily. Let’s break down the counterarguments.
Why the Risk May Be Overblown
- You Can Generate Millions of Passwords:
A key factor here is control. If you generate millions of passwords and use just one – or none – the risk diminishes significantly. The generator doesn’t know which password you’ve chosen.
- No Context Provided:
Online Password generators don’t know where the generated password will be used. Without this context, any attempt to match the password to an account is akin to shooting in the dark.
- Increased Attack Complexity:
If malicious operators add generated passwords to their “master password list” for credential-stuffing attacks, they’re actually making the attack less efficient. The more passwords in their arsenal, the longer it takes to brute-force any target, especially when those passwords might not be in use anywhere. And this is one particularly important point that distinguishes this scenario from using password dumps found online – at least the content of those dumps was in use somewhere.
- Air-Gapped or Modified Usage:
Many users apply generated passwords in offline systems, internal environments, or after modification. This removes any correlation between the generated password and its real-world application.
Reducing Risks Further
While the above points highlight that the risk is not as dire as claimed, there are ways to minimize exposure even further:
- Generate Many Passwords, Use One Randomly:
Create an excessive number (automate thousands, for example) of passwords and pick one at random. Then, modify it by adding, removing, or changing characters in a way only you know.
- Use Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA):
Even if a password is compromised, MFA ensures it’s not a single point of failure.
- Poison the Data:
By automating the generation of millions of passwords, you can flood the potential dataset with so much noise that malicious actors are left with an indistinguishable mess of randomness.
- Ditch Passwords Altogether:
Explore passwordless authentication systems, such as biometric authentication or hardware keys, which eliminate this risk entirely.
- Generate Passwords Locally:
Use a simple Linux one-liner to create a strong, random password without relying on external tools:
head /dev/urandom | tr -dc ‘A-Za-z0-9!@#$%^&*()’ | head -c 16 |
This command reads random data, filters it to include only characters typically used in passwords, and limits the output to 16 characters. Replace 16 with any desired length.
A Balanced Perspective
Online password generators are not without risks, but the level of threat depends heavily on how they are used. By employing careful practices – such as generating excess passwords, modifying the selected password, and using MFA – you can mitigate these risks effectively. In some cases, the very act of generating passwords online could inadvertently contribute to a safer ecosystem by increasing entropy.
In cybersecurity, context matters. Blanket statements like “online password generators are evil” can obscure nuanced conversations about risk and mitigation. As always, the best defense is a layered one: diversify your security measures, understand the tools you’re using, and stay informed about emerging threats and best practices.
Cybersecurity is as much about pragmatism as it is about paranoia. With a balanced approach, even seemingly risky tools can be used safely and effectively.