ClickCease Endless Lifecycle Support for Linux (ELS)

End-of-Life Products Supported by TuxCare

Linux Distributions

Languages and Frameworks

  • Gain years of security patches for end-of-life systems
  • Buy yourself plenty of time to migrate
  • Quickly receive extensively-tested patches

An Unsupported Operating
System Is a Ticking Time Bomb

Organizations often need to use Linux distributions or languages after the manufacturer ends security support – but cybercriminals continue to look for and exploit vulnerabilities after these products reach end of life (EOL).

With TuxCare’s Endless Lifecycle Support (ELS), you can continue to use these systems for years past the end-of-life date while we provide you with vulnerability patches that are extensively tested before going into the production repository.

CVEs patched by TuxCare since EOL


Need to Buy Some Time to

Don’t put your business at risk by carrying on with an unsecured OS.

What’s Included in Endless
Lifecycle Support?

Easy Setup, No Migration Needed

Simply run a single script to install. No reboot is necessary, so you never interrupt your operations. Just sync to a new repository file and you’re ready to go.

Infinite Duration of Support

Migrating to a supported OS can be a lengthy and expensive process. With TuxCare, you’ll receive end-of-life security patches for as long as you need past the official end-of-life date.

Critical Package Updates

Your Endless Lifecycle Support subscription includes regular kernel updates plus updates for critical packages including Apache, PHP, MySQL, glibc, OpenSSL/SSH, and more.

Running a supported Linux distribution too?

TuxCare delivers automated patches without reboots or downtime for:

All Popular Linux

TuxCare live patches 60+ distro versions, including the most widely-used enterprise Linux systems, without reboots or downtime.

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Shared Libraries

With the LibCare add-on, your team can keep critical shared system libraries, like OpenSSL and glibc, updated with the latest vulnerability patches.

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IoT Devices

With KernelCare IoT, you can now live patch ARM64-based connected devices in IoT environments without needing to reboot them.

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Virtualization Systems

TuxCare’s QEMUCare enables automated, rebootless patching for the hypervisor supporting OpenStack, ProxMox, or OpenNebula.

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Why TuxCare?

We’ve released over
120,000 patches – and
growing – without

Infrastructure agnostic:
on-premise or cloud

automation tools,
vulnerability scanners,
and more

Deployment assistance
and 24/7 priority support
365 days a year

Need ongoing security patches
for your end-of-life OS or

Get information about protecting your unique environment from one of our
Linux patching experts

Ready to start securing
your environment?

Sign up today and begin your journey to receiving
CVE patches for your end-of-life systems

Frequently Asked Questions

Endless Lifecycle Support services provide updated security patches for:

  • The Linux kernel
  • Common shared libraries like glibc, openssh, openssl, and zlib. httpd, mysql, php.
  • Userspace packages.
  • Other packages, including: acl, acpid, at, attr, audit, authconfig, basesystem, bash, bc, blktrace, bridge-utils, busybox, bzip2, crash, cyrus-imapd, cyrus-sasl, db4-utils, device-mapper, dhclient, dhcpv6, dmidecode, dos2unix, dovecot, ed, gcc, gd, gdb, glib2, groff, info, Iptstate, logrotate, lslk, lvm2, makedev, nfs4-acl-tools, nfs-utils, nspr, ntp, opensp, pam, perl, procmail, procps, python, rcs, rds-tools, rhnlib, rsync, rsyslog, setroubleshoot, setserial, setup, sos, stunnel, tzdata, vim, wget, yum-metadata-parser, yum-rhn-plugin

We currently support the following Linux distributions: CentOS 6, CentOS 7, CentOS 8, CentOS Stream 8, Oracle Linux 6, Oracle Linux 7, Ubuntu 16.04, and Ubuntu 18.04. We also support software languages, including Python and PHP, and software programming frameworks, including Spring projects. If you have a specific use case for a distribution that is not yet supported, get in touch with us and we’ll see if we can help you keep your unique systems running smoothly and safely.

Applying our Endless Lifecycle Support service only requires running a single command that changes the location of key repositories. Full implementation instructions are provided when your servers are registered with TuxCare.

Each end-of-life enterprise Linux environment is unique. To get a custom quote, please contact the TuxCare team. Volume discounts and bundle pricing are available.

Before each package goes into the production repository, we run extensive testing to verify that our updates have zero unintended consequences. We also maintain a stable beta repository that we use for testing.

The installation is completed through a simple script that exchanges your current, no longer maintained, repositories for TuxCare’s ELS repositories. Your system will continue receiving updates just as it did up to that point, using exactly the same tools and commands, but now directly from TuxCare.

Endless Lifecycle Support service varies depending on the Linux OS that you are covering with Endless support. Commonly, you can expect Endless Lifecycle Support to last for at least three years – for example, at the time of writing, CentOS 6 Extended Lifecycle Support support lasts until November 2024.

No. You are not migrating your operating system or making any changes to the way your workload is handled. Enabling Endless Lifecycle Support involves a single command that changes the location of repositories. There is no reboot, downtime, disruption of operations, or degradation of server performance.

TuxCare continuously monitors critical Linux kernel vulnerabilities and security concerns associated with the OS covered by your Endless Lifecycle Support contract. We release patches for security risks and general maintenance issues as soon as they are completed and tested.