ClickCease KernelCare supports AlmaLinux OS - TuxCare

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KernelCare supports AlmaLinux OS


March 1, 2021 - TuxCare PR Team

KernelCare supports AlmaLinux OS

KernelCare added support for AlmaLinux OS. This new linux distribution is a community driven project that intends to fill the gap left by the change in direction of CentOS, in terms of stability and support. It is a stable enterprise-grade server OS, with long support windows. Forever free and open-source, AlmaLinux OS is backed by CloudLinux and has a growing community gathering around it, helping guide it’s direction and strategy. Alma means soul in some latin-based languages and the name aims to celebrate the soul of linux – it’s users and community.


This KernelCare announcement adds to the growing list of software adding support for AlmaLinux OS as a first class distribution, not requiring any workarounds or changes to deployment/configuration scripts. 

As of now, you can install KernelCare on AlmaLinux OS  and receive security fixes with no downtime and no maintenance window requirement. Always available and always secure.


[root@192-168-246-108 ~]# cat /etc/redhat-release

AlmaLinux release 8.3 Beta (Purple Manul)

[root@192-168-246-108 ~]# kcarectl --update

Patch level 1 applied. Effective kernel version 4.18.0-240.15.1.el8_3

Kernel is safe


KernelCare also supports:


About KernelCare

KernelCare is a live patching system that patches Linux kernel vulnerabilities automatically, with no reboots. It’s used on over 300,000 servers, and has been used to patch servers running for 6+ years. It works with all major Linux distributions, such as RHEL, CentOS, Amazon Linux, and Ubuntu. It also interoperates with common vulnerability scanners such as Nessus, Tenable, Rapid7, and Qualys. To talk with a consultant about how KernelCare might meet your enterprise’s specific needs, contact us directly at [email protected].

Looking to automate vulnerability patching without kernel reboots, system downtime, or scheduled maintenance windows?

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