Blog Series
Linux Admins

NetworkManager 1.44: New Features and...
A software tool called NetworkManager aims to make using computer networks simpler for Linux kernel-based and other Unix-like operating systems. Almost after half a year, NetworkManager 1.44 has arrived with...
Rhino Linux: A New Ubuntu-based...
With the first stable release on August 8, 2023, Rhino Linux came out of the beta phase introducing version 2023.1. It is the successor project of the now-defunct distro called...
Fedora Asahi Remix is New...
Fedora Asahi Remix has been announced as the new Asahi Linux flagship distribution. With this distro, the Asahi Linux team aims to offer a polished Linux experience on Apple Silicon...
Breaking Down Cybersecurity Risk Compliance...
As IT environments continue to grow in complexity, the need to maintain compliance becomes ever more crucial, particularly in the realm of cybersecurity. This is especially true for Linux admins,...