Extended Lifecycle Support for CentOS Stream 8

CVE patches delivered
by TuxCare since EOL


With the sudden discontinuation of stable CentOS, moving to CentOS
Stream was a convenient choice for many organizations.

However, since May 31, 2024, CentOS Stream 8 has been archived, and
no further security updates will be provided.

Not ready to upgrade your systems or
migrate them to another Linux distribution?

TuxCare’s Endless Lifecycle Support will ensure that your CentOS-certified applications remain secure, stable, and fully
operational until you’re ready to move on.

With Endless Lifecycle Support, you can:

Ensure security and compliance beyond the EOL date with years of updates for Critical and High-risk vulnerabilities

Achieve maximum security for your CentOS Stream 8 systems with support for a comprehensive list of essential server packages

Track security updates, selected bug fixes, and affected packages across all architectures with qualified errata advisories

Verify your CentOS Stream 8 system update status using our OVAL patch definitions with OpenSCAP or other OVAL-compatible tools

Switching to TuxCare for CentOS Stream 8
Support is Simple

Step 1

Connect to the TuxCare repository with a simple
script – and no reboot

Step 2

You’re fully protected with regular ongoing security
patches for as long as your organization
needs them!

The TuxCare team combines 450+ years

of in-depth technical knowledge of Linux
and kernel development

With ELS from TuxCare, you benefit from:

Support for mixed Linux 

TuxCare can support environments that run multiple types of end-of-life Linux distributions

Flexibility to support custom packages

You can request support for additional server packages that are not currently on our list

Seasoned Linux security expertise

We have a proven track record of security patching with over 120,000 patches to date – and growing

Great value at a
competitive price

The service gives you an affordable option to maintain the security and stability of your EOL systems

Ready to Extend the Life of Your CentOS
Stream 8 Deployments?

Sign up for TuxCare’s Extended Lifecycle Support
and migrate on your own schedule!

Every major end-of-life enterprise Linux
distribution is covered by TuxCare's ELS

TuxCare’s Endless Lifecycle Support is also available for other operating systems, including: