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Automate Compliance With KernelCare and Chef


March 16, 2020 - TuxCare PR Team

KernelCare and chef announcement (1)

KernelCare automates kernel patching, ensuring that servers comply with security standards. Chef automates infrastructure configuration, ensuring that every system is configured correctly. Use them together, and you can automate compliance on thousands of servers in minutes.

KernelCare promptly delivers the latest security patches for different Linux distributions applied automatically to the running kernel in just nanoseconds.

It takes only two simple steps to install and register KernelCare and make your infrastructure safe from critical kernel vulnerabilities. While it is that easy – it can be challenging to deploy KernelCare if you take care of 1,000 and more servers on a daily basis.

That’s why we at KernelCare are pleased to announce a new collaboration with Chef. We’re introducing a new Automated Compliance Framework that works like this:


  1. Chef InSpec identifies systems vulnerabilities that require attention.
  2. Chef Infra prioritises, schedules, and manages remediation of those vulnerabilities.
  3. KernelCare then executes the remediation, applying security patches while the systems are operational.


For enterprises that operate large server fleets, this framework represents a major advance in compliance with standards such as SOC2 and HIPAA. That’s because it enables the deployment of KernelCare across thousands of servers very quickly and easily.


In conjunction with KernelCare, Chef Infra can be used to:


  • Distribute the KernelCare agent package, if you have servers with no internet access.
  • Distribute the KernelCare agent configuration file.
  • Set environment variables.
  • Install the KernelCare agent (from either local or remote servers).
  • Register KernelCare.

For more detailed instructions please refer to the KernelCare Deployment Whitepaper and KernelCare Chef Cookbook.

Want to see firsthand how KernelCare and Chef can automate compliance for your enterprise? Sign up for a free KernelCare trial and deploy KernelCare with Chef.

Get a FREE 7-Day Supported Trial of KernelCare 



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