ClickCease KernelCare+: a premium subscription with glibc & OpenSSL patching - TuxCare

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KernelCare+: a premium subscription with glibc & OpenSSL patching


November 18, 2019 - TuxCare PR Team


Learn more about what’s included in the package below.

Recently we started hearing from many of our customers that their kernels were well protected by KernelCare, and they loved our service and product stability, BUT they also needed a solution to certain types of security updates that are complicated to apply and manage. Patching for glibc and OpenSSL vulnerabilities falls into that category. Some of our clients even reported that they were spending $100,000 or more per year on resources just to organise and manage the patching of these components.


To address this requirement, we are adding glibc and OpenSSL patching to simplify and streamline security operations for enterprises and ensure continuous, automated updates for their Linux kernels, glibc, and OpenSSL protocols.

KernelCare+ is KernelCare PLUS MORE! In addition to the standard KernelCare features you already know, KernelCare+ will include (but not be limited to):

  • glibc patching;
  • OpenSSL patching;
  • Puppet, Ansible, Chef integrations and deployment assistance;
  • Nessus, Qualys, and Rapid7 integrations and reporting setup assistance;
  • ePortal for enterprises who require a private patch server inside their secured environment.


Watch this video from LearnLinuxTV to learn more about how KernelCare+ Works:


The pricing for KernelCare+ is simple:

  1. 0-500 servers – $5.95/server/month
  2. 500+ servers –  $3.95/server/month

About KernelCare

KernelCare is a live patching system that patches Linux kernel vulnerabilities automatically, with no reboots. It’s used on over 300,000 servers, and has been used to patch servers running for 6+ years. It works with all major Linux distributions, such as RHEL, CentOS, Amazon Linux, and Ubuntu. It also interoperates with common vulnerability scanners such as Nessus, Tenable, Rapid7, and Qualys. To talk with a consultant about how KernelCare might meet your enterprise’s specific needs, contact us directly at [email protected].

Looking to automate vulnerability patching without kernel reboots, system downtime, or scheduled maintenance windows?

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