ClickCease Top 10 Benefits of Live Patching with KernelCare - TuxCare

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Top 10 Benefits of Live Patching with KernelCare


June 10, 2019 - TuxCare PR Team

Top 10 Benefits of Live Patching with KernelCare

This short post lists the 10 main benefits of KernelCare.

#1. Rebootless

A term invented by Ksplice to mean ‘without rebooting’. For when taking a server offline is not an option.

#2. Automatic

You can look after one server, but thousands must look after themselves. You should always automate security updates whenever possible. (And yes, we have a Nagios plugin.)

#3. Multi-platform

Ubuntu, Red Hat, Oracle and more, they’re covered. Fervent distro hoppers don’t have to buy costly service agreements for each Linux flavor. And they don’t have to learn different auto patching tools.

#4. Easy install

KernelCare installs like a regular Linux package with a single command. It’s just as easy to remove. 

#5. Patch rollback

If a patch doesn’t work as expected, it’s nice to know you can revert to an older kernel if you need to. Read here for more details on how KernelCare works.

#6. Pricing

We don’t sell support, we sell automated kernel patching software. Subscriptions can be monthly or yearly. And you pay per server, not per website.

#7. Firewall friendly

Enterprises with servers behind strict firewalls or air gaps can set up their own on-site patch servers.

#8. Custom kernels

Customers with specialized or custom kernels are not excluded from the benefits of automatic linux kernel upgrades.

#9. Free support

We don’t sell support, we give it away free, 24/7. We can afford to because KernelCare just works. Once installed, there’s nothing else to do.

#10. Security

We saved the best till last, because this is what it’s all about, the problem live patching originally solved. Linux kernel vulnerabilities need patching right away. Patches need reboots to install. But servers must stay on. Automatic Linux security patching with KernelCare solves this dilemma.

Keep reading: Why Waiting For Your Next Linux Reboot is Making You Insecure

Looking to automate vulnerability patching without kernel reboots, system downtime, or scheduled maintenance windows?

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