ClickCease Ubuntu 23.10 Reaches End of Life on July 11, 2024

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Ubuntu 23.10 Reaches End of Life on July 11, 2024

Rohan Timalsina

June 17, 2024 - TuxCare expert team

Ubuntu 23.10, codenamed “Mantic Minotaur,” was released on October 12, 2023, nearly nine months ago. Since it is an interim release, its support period is now approaching with the end of life scheduled on July 11, 2024. After this date, Ubuntu 23.10 will no longer receive software and security updates from Canonical. As a result, any systems running Ubuntu 23.10 will become highly susceptible to security vulnerabilities. Therefore, users are urged to upgrade to a newer, supported version of Ubuntu to continue receiving software and security updates.


Ubuntu 23.10 End of Life Explained


There are two main types of Ubuntu releases: Long Term Support (LTS) and interim releases.

LTS releases are supported for a much longer period – five years of standard support, with optional extended support available for purchase. They are designed for stability and reliability, making them ideal for servers, critical systems, and users who prefer not to upgrade frequently.

Interim releases, on the other hand, come out every six months and are released between the Long-Term Support (LTS) versions. These releases provide users with the latest features, improvements, and updates more frequently than the LTS versions, which are released every two years.

However, unlike LTS versions, interim releases are supported for a shorter period, typically nine months. After this period, users need to upgrade to a newer release to continue receiving support. The upgrade path can be the next interim release or the next available LTS release before the end of support.


Recommended Upgrade: Ubuntu 24.04 LTS “Noble Numbat”


The latest LTS release is Ubuntu 24.04, released on April 25, 2024. The next interim release is expected in October 2024 (Ubuntu 24.10). So, the recommended upgrade path from Ubuntu 23.10 is to Ubuntu 24.04 LTS. Upgrading is a straightforward process and can be done following the official guide provided by Ubuntu.

Ubuntu 24.04 LTS “Noble Numbat” will receive updates and support until April 2029. The upgrade to an LTS version ensures that you have a secure and stable system that benefits from long-term updates and support. This is particularly important for users in enterprise environments or those who use their Ubuntu systems for critical tasks.

Learn about new security features in Ubuntu 24.04 LTS.




While Mantic Minotaur introduced many new features and improvements, its support lifecycle is short. After Ubuntu 23.10 end of life, continuing to use it could expose your system to unpatched vulnerabilities and security risks. Upgrading to Ubuntu 24.04 LTS is crucial to ensure continued security and support for your system. Plan your upgrade as soon as possible to maintain a secure and up-to-date operating environment.

In addition to upgrading to the latest version, it’s worth considering how to maintain system security with minimal disruption in the future. One effective solution is to utilize TuxCare’s KernelCare Enterprise. KernelCare live patching allows you to apply critical kernel patches without the need for a reboot. Furthermore, it automates the patching process, ensuring security updates are deployed immediately when they are available. KernelCare supports various Linux distributions, including Ubuntu, Debian, RHEL, CentOS, AlmaLinux, Rocky Linux, Amazon Linux, CloudLinux, Oracle Linux, and more.


Source: Ubuntu Announcements.

Ubuntu 23.10 Reaches End of Life on July 11, 2024
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Ubuntu 23.10 Reaches End of Life on July 11, 2024
Discover what you need to know about the Ubuntu 23.10 end of life and learn why upgrading to Ubuntu 24.04 is crucial for continued security.
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